Frequently Asked Questions:
Do I have to commit to a certain amount of sessions for 1:1 or couples private counselling? We initially offer 6 sessions to our private clients, with the scope to continue after these six sessions are over, in further three week blocks, reviewing together when the time is right for your therapy to end. However, there is never an obligation to complete all offered sessions and you can end your therapy at any time you wish. Some clients have on-going therapy, some gain what they have come for after a shorter amount, some even come to see us monthly after their initial session block is over. This is the beauty of self-funded therapy.
Is face to face or online better? Different options genuinely suit different clients. Some prefer to be able to physically sit with their counsellor while some prefer the convenience of being online wherever they are based. There are different pros to both scenarios.
Are you going to tell me your opinion? I just want to be told the answer to my problems. We will not ever give you direct opinions or specific direction for your life- these answers will come from within you and our work together, through our questioning, challenging, reflection and unconditional positive regard. We will share learning around how your brain works, and facts around mental wellbeing, but will not offer direct advise. You are the expert on your own self and life- we are here to find the light within you that is going to help you find your way.
Can I come to therapy with my child? Our counselling is a 1:1 service to allow the child or yourself to feel truly heard with no judgement or external influence or pressure. You are welcome to sit in for part of the first session, or bring your child into the sessions while they get seated and comfortable. We do offer (if the young person wants to) for you as parents to come to part of their final session to give them opportunity to share anything with you that they want to.
Is everything I say confidential? All information shared by adults, children, teens, couples, or employees will always be kept confidential unless there is a safeguarding concern and as a counsellor there is a concern of harm to themselves or others around. The only times details will be shared from sessions is in monthly counselling supervision, which is a legality for all counsellors of professional bodies, but even then will remain anonymous.
How do we communicate with you? After our initial non-pressured phone call, we will communicate via email to confirm upcoming sessions, payment related emails and sharing of any resources from our session if needed.
Is it normal to be really anxious about going to therapy? Of course, anything that is new and out of your usual comfort zone can be anxiety inducing, but please rest assured, that once you have come to your first session, and we have started to build that therapeutic and professional relationship, the trust will immediately start to build and you will feel more and more at ease.
Do you have insurance and a DBS certificate? Yes, we hold full public liability insurance and have current, up to date DBS certificates.
There's so many people offering wellbeing services out there. It's overwhelming. How do I know you're the right one for me? Wellbeing rightly so is taking a front step in conversation, services and priority in our ever-evolving world. However, it's important to be aware that to become a professional fully qualified counsellor it takes a minimum of three to four years (and longer with continuing qualifications once qualified). We pride ourselves on the genuine, authentic helping relationships we create with our clients, but also are qualified above and beyond the minimum required, and during our free consultation phone call, it is the perfect opportunity to see whether you feel like we are right for you. There is never any pressure attached to commit after that phone call to sessions, and we completely understand if a different counsellor is a better match for you.
What is counselling?
The beauty of professional counselling is that truly confidential time set aside by you and us as your counsellor to look at whatever it is that has brought you here in this moment, and that time to be about your wellbeing and your life. This might include talking about life events (past and present), feelings, emotions, relationships, and ways of thinking and patterns of behaviour. Sue or Mel will work to help you to look at your issues, and to identify the right course of action for you, either to help you resolve your difficulties or help you find ways of coping.
Why come for counselling?
Usually people choose to come for counselling because they are experiencing difficulties, struggles and stress in their lives, or sometimes people just need a space to talk freely and confidentially, as a sense of relief in a safe environment. Life issues and events may be very difficult for you to deal with such as anxiety, anger, bereavement and loss, bullying, anxiety and depression, disabilities, eating disorders, relationship issues, self-confidence and self-esteem, self-harm, fertility, or even work related issues. Or, you may be experiencing underlying feelings of unhappiness with life in general without an unknown reason, or be seeking balance in your life and spirituality. All of these reasons and more will bring individuals to counselling. The current waitlists for free therapy within the NHS are extremely long, therefore investing in yourself can only be a positive step forward.
What is adult counselling like?
We offer therapy focussed on you as an individual; designed to empower you to overcome obstacles, improve personal growth, and get back to the full you. You will be able to explore your concerns, find strength, and embark on a transformative journey towards self-worth and true wellbeing.
Adult counselling gives true time and empathy to the distinctive challenges that you face as an adult in different life stages. It offers a approach to truly give you a voice and start to understand yourself and others around you. Our private counselling is tailored to meet the diverse needs of all adults in the family, regardless of orientation or gender: providing a space for healing and personal growth.
Our approach to adult counselling is focused on creating a safe and understanding space where you can express your thoughts and feelings. Both of us are fully committed to supporting and empowering you and your unique journey.
What is young people's counselling like?
Childhood and adolescence is such a huge time in anyone's life. Anything that happens during this period has a direct impact on how people experience and behave later in adulthood. There is a definite rise in the awareness of mental health issues affecting children, along with the impact that some adverse experiences have in children’s everyday life and future.
Children and teenagers can be exposed to many issues from academic and social pressure, family breakdown, bullying, dysfunctional families, poverty, violence, inappropriate care and much more. Emotional, physical and mental health problems can make it extremely difficult for children to function and thrive within their society.
Some children and teens manage to understand their own feelings, verbalise how they feel, regulate emotions, and develop the ability to understand the emotional state of others. independently, or with just the support of their parents. However, others find this much more difficult, depending on them as a person, or life experiences or trauma that they encounter. For these children and teenagers it is more difficult to self-regulate their emotions and behaviour. They may present as highly anxious, nervous, withdrawn, or even aggressive and some think about or actually do self-harm. This then further causes a struggle in developing crucial social skills which are important in building friendships and meaningful relationships. Counselling can help to work on all of these aspects and many more in a safe space, proactively working together to try and talk, work through and help these struggles not be taken forward into adulthood because they have worked through everything in depth, and also understand themselves and their own self-help needs going forward.
What is couples counselling like?
Relationships, like any journey, can encounter rough patches. Couples counselling can provide a dedicated space for you and your partner to openly express your thoughts and feelings in a supportive and non-judgmental environment. It's a proactive and positive step toward understanding each other better, resolving conflicts, and fostering a deeper connection.
We are able to address a variety of issues, including communication breakdowns, rebuilding trust and intimacy, resolving conflicts, recovering from infidelity, preparing for marriage, coping with parenting challenges, and adjusting to life changes. No matter the challenges you're facing, couples counselling can provide valuable tools and strategies to navigate them together.
We both believe in a compassionate and tailored approach to address the unique dynamics of your relationship, regardless of orientation or gender. We create a safe and understanding space where you and your partner can explore your concerns together. We work together to enhance communication, rebuild trust, and strengthen the overall foundation of your relationship.
Couples Counselling with Mel or Sue can promote:
Improved Communication: Develop effective communication techniques to express your needs and feelings openly and honestly.
Rebuilding Trust: Address trust issues and work towards rebuilding a foundation of trust and intimacy.
Conflict Resolution: Acquire valuable skills to navigate conflicts constructively and find resolutions that benefit both partners.
Preventative Tools: Couples counselling is not just for addressing existing issues but also for equipping you in helping to prevent future challenges.
Enhanced Intimacy: Rediscover the emotional and physical intimacy in your relationship through your counselling sessions.
Why pay for your own private counselling?
With it not being uncommon for waitlists for free therapy with charities being up to two years, private therapy may be the answer for you as a family to supporting your child if your finances allow. We understand and empathise hugely that the cost of living crisis wrongly makes self-funding far too difficult for families but we find that parents often on reflection feedback to us that they would have often spent the money for counselling on other things without realising and have found ways to make it work. We try to keep our costs reasonable in the realms of private therapy, with many private therapists charging £10-£20 more than we do per hour.
We can deliver therapy face to face at our lovely St Helens premises (WA10), online using the Teams platform. We can also visit your child or teen's school/ college to deliver sessions there if wanted or needed. See our upfront, honest and clear prices page to find out more about funding yours or your child's counselling.
Overall, counselling with Mel or Sue can promote:
Increase in self-esteem and confidence
Decrease of anxiety and depression.
Development of a healthy sense of self.
Increase of social competencies
What does Integrative Counselling mean?
Integrative counselling draws on techniques from different types of therapy to tailor an approach specifically for you. An integrative counsellor believes there isn’t just one therapeutic approach that can help a client in all situations. Instead, they take into account you as an individual and your circumstances, and use elements of different approaches to help you explore and cope with your problems. Every client who walks through the door is different. What works for one person might not work for another. As an integrative therapist, you can choose the right approach for the individual. Sue is highly qualified in Person Centred Counselling, CBT Therapy and other theories. She generally uses a bit of everything. It’s all round support and makes therapy unique for you.
Whether you just have some questions, want to find out more, or want to discuss booking in any of our services, please use the enquiry form below, with no pressure attached!
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We will be in touch as soon as we can to chat.
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